Key West Back Country Fishing Report
Another cold front is coming through here in Key West. What that really means down here is higher winds, as it rarely gets below 70 degrees during the day. I sure am gald I have the 17’ Maverick Master Angler during these times. This boat just cuts right through the chop. We are able to go fishing when other flats boats have to stay at the dock. The great thing about fishing in Key West is that no matter what the wind is doing there are places to go and get into some fish.
Christi and Delphi came all the way from upstate Florida to do some Backcountry fishing. With the Cold Front also came some rain, so after postponing a little to let the rain pass we headed out. With a 20 plus knot North wind we decided to fish some of the channels around Key West. They were both first timers, but by the end of the trip they had it down and were catching fish hand over fist. They both caught Jacks, Ladyfish, Snappers, Trout, and Christi caught her first shark. All but a couple trout were released to fight again. I am sure they enjoyed a fresh Trout dinner.