June 2008
Tarpon continue to be our most sought after fish here in the backcountry. During the new moon at the beginning of the month, we had two nights of the Palolo worm hatch. For those who love to fish for Tarpon and have never experienced this phenomena, it is quite a sight. If you time it just right you will see more Tarpon than you can shake a stick at. The fish are gorging themselves on these small worms. This is a great time to target a Tarpon with the fly rod. After the “hatch” it took a couple days for the Tarpon to get back into a routine, but they did and we are now catching them in good numbers again. Another species that is great right now is the Permit. They are making thier way back to the flats after their springtime spawn. I love fishing for them, but you have to be alert and ready at all times. You are not going to catch one sitting on the cooler. Above are a couple nice fish we have caught recently. It is a great time to fish in the backcountry and we still have some dates open so I hope to hear from you soon.