Action Fishing

October in Key West brings the changes in weather. As we start getting the cold fronts coming down from the north, everything changes. This is the time of year that we will start targeting Sea Trout, Jack Crevalles, Blacktip Sharks, Ladyfish, Pompano, Redfish and a handful of other species. This type of fishing is for everybody, you don’t have to be an experienced angler to get in on the fun. It is done on light tackle and can provide nonstop action. Just the other day we caught over 75 fish!!!
If you catch the weather right, in between coldfronts, there are still going to be some great opportunities for bonefish and Permit on the flats. Barracudas are also going to turn on as the water temps start to drop and sight fishing for Cudas in shallow water provides some of the most spectacular bites.
Call Capt John @ 305-587-7669 to take advantage of the cooler weather and some great fishing!!